
0-The Elf
The typical Elf is weird and thoughtless; he likes playing jokes and acting incomprehensibly; he is totally detached from material worries.

I-the Magician
The Great Wizard represents enterprising spirit, ability, cleverness and diplomacy; always, in every enterprise he engaged, he rejected suggestions and prejudices.

II-the High Priestess
This is an eccentric figure for the Fairy people: devoted to study and to occult lore, she is calm and wise; thoughtless Fairies are afraid of her judgment because her severity is incomprehensible to them.


III-the Empress

The consort of the Fairy sovereign embodies the vitality of her people: she is always ready to action, to help her neighbors and to be comprehensive to them; lots of people look for her beneficial influence of her intelligence.

IV-the Emperor
The sovereign of the Enchanted realm wants to call to order his undisciplined people, giving them the sense of legality, of stability and of integrity. But, because of the nature of Fairies, his accomplishments do not always succeed. His unshakable will make him eager to try anew.

V-the Hierophant
The high priest is the oldest living Fairy; after many centuries of long life even the most dreamy and frivolous creature acquire great wiseness, patience and modesty. Fairies long for his spiritual guidance because his pity brings relief of any pain.

VI-the Lover
Exceptionally some fairies decide to bind themselves sentimentally. Because of the restless nature of these creatures, those events are generally faced as very difficult trials, a real examination of the feelings Fairies nurrish. Often such an event requires a choice.

VII-the Chariot
Tradition tells that, after an ordeal among two fairies, the winner lets the whole Fairy people know the final issue of the controversy flying in the chariot of triumph. This flight represents the success he attained.

VIII-the Dryad
The dryad is a Fairy living in the neighborhood of a giant oak. His duty is to listen to the problems of his people and to settle impartially and fairly their controversies. Tradition says that the verdicts of the dryad are inappellable and that those who requires a judgment have to execute it.

IX-the Hermit
There is a Fairy in the Enchanted realm who shuns people company; the Fairy people consider him a strange person, because of his reservedness and his wish of loneliness. He is rather stern, wise and prudent, dispensing good advice.

X-the Oread
The Oread is the spirit of luck; he travels through the Enchanted Realm riding his wheel and who meets him must expect propitious occasions, success and casually born advantages.

In the thick of the forest, it is possible to find the Spirit of the Strength, a Fairy who renounced flight and oddities to improve his power, his courage and his energy. He uses to ask for his help to solve right causes.

XII-the Hanged Man
according to use and wont of the Enchanted Realm, Fairies guilty of great crimes have their wings soiled and are hung head down, so that they can think about their actions and expiate their sins.

The Spirit of Death always marks the end and represents ineluctable fate. When a Fairy sees this Spirit in the <st1:place>Forest</st1:place>, This means that something is going to change radically.

XIV-the Sylph
This is the spirit of recovery, dispenser of harmony, serenity and diversions; his fundamental characteristics are moderation, ability among Fairies, are really appreciated.

XV-the Troll
This awful monster lives near barren rocks. Fairies are frightened by him, since by flatteries and deception, he always tries to turn them into cruel and wicked creatures in his service. Because of this magnetism, which attracts and hypnotizes Fairies, the power of the troll is enormous.

XVI-the Tower
It is said that centuries ago, one of the first emperor of the Fairies challenged the law of the Enchanted Realm, building his own palace and proclaiming himself superior to the other spirits, who, to punish his arrogance and haughtiness destroyed his tower while he was inside. From that time on, no other Fairy ever dared to build a house, symbol of presumption and foreboding catastrophe.

XVII-the Naiad
The Naiad is a night spirit whose appearance clears the sky of the clouds revealing all the starry vault. Those who meet the naiad, must consider it of good omen and must trust the favorable solution of his problems.

XVIII-the Moon
This planet has always played a strange effect over the people of the Fairies. In the imagination of the Fairies, causing visions, illusions and mistakes and increasing usual oddities.

XIX-the Sun
it is the symbol of happiness, harmony, friendship and sincerity; for every Fairy his invigorating sunbeams mean love and glory.

XX-the Judgment
The spirit of renewal is a Fairy who became the guardian of the souls of the dead. The sound of the trumpet is said to be sign of it’s the listener to examine his conscience and to try to better himself.

XXI-the Globe
In Fairies tradition the world is the only living creature. Being able to get in touch with this entity means to reach perfection; it is the total achievement, it is the crowning of any enterprise.

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